My Uni Life

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I be here

Whichever person said that we get to sleep in late was obviously lieing!!!! I have 4 days which have 9 or 10 am lectures, but luckily I don't start till.....11 on Monday!!! Wow, how good is that *raises eye brow* Late nights Early mornings are not a thing to be done! I've already been set some work to do, granted its A level questions (of which Paul had to do loads before he arrived, hehe) but its still work to be done. Gotta go, the walk to the Maths department takes 20minutes (from the furthest West campus, to the other side of the University Park) although the place I'm staying is clearly the best place to be on Campus!!!! We have an iron mark in the carpet(ie. the iron burned right through the carpet), which of you could sat you have one of those?hehe

cyas around, hope ur enjoying urselves!!!! Especially those of you who are already having lectures!!!!!



  • i so love having wednesdays completely off, went to kayaking last night and then a mid week piss up with a shed load of strangers which was fun

    By Blogger Scandal Press Editor in Chief, at 5:21 pm  

  • Awesome, keep up the updates Chris, they are really funny and plus I reckon we can all, or at least all will be able to, relate to such tales. How your sleeping patterns are shifted greatly and how that extra night out always makes the following days lectures/seminars that tad longer and agonising! You promise your body sleep but one coffee later you deny any sort of fatigue and go out, again!!!


    By Blogger Scotty, at 12:39 pm  

  • Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:02 am  

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