My Uni Life

Friday, October 14, 2005

Whoever Said A-Levels were getting easier

You know what, they may actually be right. Not for the board we did of course, but for some. Maths is one of the hardest subjects you'd think, right? Well heres a little boring story. One of the boards(the one my flat mate who is doing maths did) first of all gives 4 questions in the paper, each on a specific topic. In the exam, you answer 3. yes, 3, so you don't even have to do any work on one of the topics, don't even have to be taught it. Then, he was allowed to use a graphical calculator, which pretty much did all the work. And then, if it doesn't sound easy enough, he was able to store onto his calculator all of the equations and what not that he needed. Now if that doesn't breed lazy people who can't do maths, I don't know what does. I'm sure even Mr PJC could have gotten at least a B in Further if he was doing that board....

Anyway, that was just abit random and something i find abit strange.

Right, having got Matt to book tickets, me and James are off to see Bowling for Soup in Sheffield on Thursday. Should be a great night out, even if it does mean I'm probably gonna be skipping a few lectures on Thurs so that I can get into Sheffield early.

The maths work around here is starting to get interesting, but I have the feeling that when something I don't understand comes up, its gonna be really difficult to get my head around it. In my opinion, the standard of teaching aint as good as what we are used to. Although at the moment, doing Probability, Calculus(First Order Differentials, how hard is that!), Complex Numbers and about the start Proof by Induction, its A-level stuff in 2/3 of my lectures, but also stuff I really enjoy, and apart from maybe Probability, stuff I wanna go into more depth on.

Catch ya'll later


  • Good to hear that the course is more challenging yet still enjoyable for you. That's the's tricky but worthwhile studying up. I can't get my head around that either why you are able to use a graphic calculator (as displayed many a times by Paul) in your exams! Come on, it's a genius of a machine so why does it do the work for the exam candidate? *shakes head* It'll work out better for you. I reckon James could have well got an A in Maths...that is if he'd only had to do Mechanics!

    By Blogger Scotty, at 2:39 pm  

  • To right, if only the rest of maths hadn't got in my way.

    By Blogger clarkey, at 6:05 pm  

  • Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:02 am  

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