My Uni Life

Saturday, November 12, 2005

A poem, by Purple Ronnie....I mean Chris Paddon

Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom

Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't have any fun,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't even like the sun,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom went to the zoo,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom spent it on the loo,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom wanted to go in the sky,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom were afraid to fly,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom went to Wales on holiday,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom watched the chickens lay,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't go to the football,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom were answering Business Calls.

Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't like spontaneity,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't like treating girls like a deity,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't like to cook,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom preferred to read a book,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom didn't watch tele,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom said it made them horny,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom couldn't get it up,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom blamed it on her rump,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom had a girl in bed,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom fell asleep instead.

Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom spent the night on the phone,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom were always alone,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom lived lonely lives,
Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom dug their own graves.

- Chris Paddon

This poem is dedicated to Mr Boring and Dr. Boredom themselves, James and Paul

Friday, November 11, 2005

Death of a Friend

Tonight, a very sad event occured. Mr PJ Clarke officially gave up on life just after 6p.m. local time. He will be sorely missed by all his friends and family(apart from maybe his siblings)

How could this happen you may ask? Well he has turned down the offer to go to an amazing concert, even when told that he could take 9months to pay back the measly £30 he would owe for the concert.

Please do not let him give up on life!

Monday, November 07, 2005


In case you hadn't heard(so everyone except Kat and Clarkey who was kind enough to keep me occupied on the phone last night when I really needed it), my laptop was stolen from my room last night. Apparently laptops arent covered on the insurance for the rooms either, so unless I can claim on Mum and Dads insurance, im pretty much screwed. Once i get a new laptop, expect me to be knicking your music collections, and pictures from this summer.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Music to fall asleep to?

Late last night, as I tried to get to sleep, but failed, I was thinking about music(as you do...) and how it fits into moods, and I realised that infact there are songs and albums for every single mood, whether you want to jump around, chill, or just listen to late night music, there is something for you. I also wondered, if there was a perfect album to fall asleep to, one that you enjoy obviously, but just helps you make that final step into the land of nod. What would this album need, for it to be enjoyable when you are not wanting to fall asleep, but that extra bit better when you do. It must be quiet and relaxing to start with, otherwise you have no chance of falling asleep. But should it be accoustic, based on piano/keyboards, or what? Surely a southing voice would be necessary. What i want to know, is if you were desperate to get to sleep, and would play one album to help you, which would it be?

For me, it was Snow Patrol's Final Straw. As a whole, it is a great album, with great tunes, but its when listening to this album in the dark that i have found the real magic behind it. Its one i have laid awake in bed listening to before, and the one I used last night, although I did not fall asleep while it was on last night, but I know that I have done it before. The lyrics are just magical when you are relaxing, as are the tunes. Run, may well be one of the most famous songs, but it is a very relaxing tune that doesnt involve an upbeat mood to enjoy(as i have realised on many occasions before)

Another favourite of mine is The Verve's Urban Hymns. Not exactly the sort of album that would get you jumping up and down to, but definately one that is thoroughly enjoyable, and memorable (everyone knows Bittersweet Symphony, and probably The Drugs Don't Work), but its another album that can be classed in the "Late Night Music" catagory.

What i want to know, is what everyone's opinions on what would make the perfect album to fall asleep to, what makes the perfect songs for this catagory, and what you would listen to to do so?