Music to fall asleep to?
Late last night, as I tried to get to sleep, but failed, I was thinking about music(as you do...) and how it fits into moods, and I realised that infact there are songs and albums for every single mood, whether you want to jump around, chill, or just listen to late night music, there is something for you. I also wondered, if there was a perfect album to fall asleep to, one that you enjoy obviously, but just helps you make that final step into the land of nod. What would this album need, for it to be enjoyable when you are not wanting to fall asleep, but that extra bit better when you do. It must be quiet and relaxing to start with, otherwise you have no chance of falling asleep. But should it be accoustic, based on piano/keyboards, or what? Surely a southing voice would be necessary. What i want to know, is if you were desperate to get to sleep, and would play one album to help you, which would it be?
For me, it was Snow Patrol's Final Straw. As a whole, it is a great album, with great tunes, but its when listening to this album in the dark that i have found the real magic behind it. Its one i have laid awake in bed listening to before, and the one I used last night, although I did not fall asleep while it was on last night, but I know that I have done it before. The lyrics are just magical when you are relaxing, as are the tunes. Run, may well be one of the most famous songs, but it is a very relaxing tune that doesnt involve an upbeat mood to enjoy(as i have realised on many occasions before)
Another favourite of mine is The Verve's Urban Hymns. Not exactly the sort of album that would get you jumping up and down to, but definately one that is thoroughly enjoyable, and memorable (everyone knows Bittersweet Symphony, and probably The Drugs Don't Work), but its another album that can be classed in the "Late Night Music" catagory.
What i want to know, is what everyone's opinions on what would make the perfect album to fall asleep to, what makes the perfect songs for this catagory, and what you would listen to to do so?
For me, it was Snow Patrol's Final Straw. As a whole, it is a great album, with great tunes, but its when listening to this album in the dark that i have found the real magic behind it. Its one i have laid awake in bed listening to before, and the one I used last night, although I did not fall asleep while it was on last night, but I know that I have done it before. The lyrics are just magical when you are relaxing, as are the tunes. Run, may well be one of the most famous songs, but it is a very relaxing tune that doesnt involve an upbeat mood to enjoy(as i have realised on many occasions before)
Another favourite of mine is The Verve's Urban Hymns. Not exactly the sort of album that would get you jumping up and down to, but definately one that is thoroughly enjoyable, and memorable (everyone knows Bittersweet Symphony, and probably The Drugs Don't Work), but its another album that can be classed in the "Late Night Music" catagory.
What i want to know, is what everyone's opinions on what would make the perfect album to fall asleep to, what makes the perfect songs for this catagory, and what you would listen to to do so?
I agree, the song Run is one of very soothing but often depressing qualities simply in it's rhythm but I have to say that the best song I know to fall deep into a sleep with is the final track in the Creed album "Weathered" called Lullaby. It's so soothing...
Hush my love now don't you cry
Everything will be all right
Close your eyes and drift in dream
Rest in peaceful sleep
How much more related can you get?
Scotty, at 2:12 pm
I'll have to download it when I go home, come on people, give your views. Theres a prize in store for the best reply!
chris, at 11:35 pm
There is a prize? :O Cool :P I don't really know, I don't listen to music when I try to get asleep. Or well, when I was younger, not anymore. I loved Disney then, so that always got me to sleep easily (but that's no help for you :p). I still love it actually, don't ask me why, but I think I always will, young or old.
Anonymous, at 11:38 pm
Yeah, there is a prize. Disney would probably send me to sleep too, but for different reasons :P I'm sure you know some good songs that you could fall asleep too. If not, i'll have to send you some :P I know how much u like listening to my music ;) Even if it isn't Belgian :P
chris, at 2:06 am
That was a truly inspired post there.
But the perfect album to fall asleep to? Hmm, it's a tricky one. For me, it'd have to be something chilled, relaxed and relatively flat. If it gets even vaguely bouncy, then I'd be singing along and not going to sleep. Having said that, it would have to be lyrical, sweet and meaningful at the same time. A long list of specifications there. Does such an album exist? I doubt it. EVery album has a lively song to wake me up. I think I might have to make my own, with U2, REM, David Gray, and countless others on it. That could be quite a challenge to make though, you'd be falling asleep when you're trying to pick the rights songs!
Paul, at 11:46 am
I'll tell you what Chris, try watching the Wigan v Portsmouth game on TV or the highlights...I dozed off to that classic quite easily!
I see that none of the suggestions have surpassed my idea so gimme the prize *rubs hands gleefully*, unless...
Scotty, at 6:57 pm
First of all, i would have to listen to that song to see if it actually does win, especially against watching Disney..... Come on people, are there any albums you know that you would never listen to when tired? Songs that, despite how much you love them, you just know that its so chilled that you could nod off to?
For me, really, the only times ive been close to falling asleep or actually fallen asleep on the couch, is when listening to Run, or watching a particularly boring game of football(normally involving[although i have fallen asleep to a game that was pretty interesting, i was just so damn tired i couldnt keep my eyes open]
In fact, does anyone else think that if the Sky Sports Football commentators were to create an album just of them talking, it would send you to sleep instantaneously? Of course it can't be them going crazy about an amazing piece of skill, or a great goal, but just the normal boring stuff they spout out.....
Paul, how about giving a list of those songs you know that really could send you to sleep?And really, if the songs send you to sleep when you aren't tired its because they are boring, not good.... It needs to be something that just hightens the mood of tiredness, not induce it.
chris, at 2:27 am
The album i would pick every single time would be Parachutes by Coldplay, being their first album it is truely a masterpiece and for me still the best Coldplay Album, the thing that marks it out for me is that like so many amazing albums it has no stand out track, the songs seem to melt seemlessly into one another.
Aswell as being my favourite album to listen to in the dark as it is at this point that the album comes truely alive, it portrays a deep sence of imagery that plays with the mind providing relaxed ideas as you slowly drift off to sleep.
Another note if you have somthing against Coldplay another album that's good is When It's All Over You Still Have To Clear Up By Snow Patrol, not bad for playing in the dark either.
Do i win the prize?
clarkey, at 1:40 pm
i would need to listen to the albums to see if you do win, and under the current circumstances, that would mean waiting till christmas....
chris, at 4:16 pm
Ahum, is Disney so boring then? *cries* Watching Disney and listening to the songs aren't boring! :O Elton John is coming to Belgium soon (dunno when), and I told Sarah I wanne see him (I just love his song, tho I can guess it will be very expensive), she looked as if I was crazy! What the?! :O Anyway, Disney is great!
Anonymous, at 10:58 pm
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Anonymous, at 11:47 am
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Anonymous, at 6:02 am
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